Get the TRUTH About Vitreous ‘Floaters’ and What Can Be Done About Them
16-Page Printable PDF
Common Myths Debunked
Be Informed, Not Mislead
Are You Suffering Unnecessarily?
Get the Facts About ‘Floaters’
Straightforward facts from a seasoned expert with over 22 years experience treating thousands of patients with intolerable vision issues due to vitreous material.
Know What Can Be Done
Understand the process and likely benefits.
Backed by the conservative American Society of Retina Specialists.
Make an Informed Decision
Know what to ask your retina specialist.
Feel prepared for a consultation to assess your unique situation.

Would you love to read, drive, use a computer and do all the things you love without having to look through floating smudges and fog?
Have You Been Told…
Everybody has floaters, so get over it?
Those blobs will go away on their own?
Nothing can be safely done about your obstructed vision?
Surgery to remove them is risky and dangerous?